Concord – 6th Circuit District Court

Is your case in the New Hampshire 6th Circuit District Division Concord Court, formerly known as the Concord District Court? This Court serves the City of Concord, and the towns of Loudon, Canterbury, Dunbarton, Bow, Hopkinton, Pittsfield, Chichester, and Epsom. State Police prosecute many cases here because two major highways, Route 93 and 89, intersect in Concord.

This is one of our "home courts." We have always had an office in Concord, and in 2018, we bought our current office building on Green Street, located just about equidistant between the district and superior courts of Concord. But does having a lawyer whose office is near the court matter? Not really. We practice in all NH courts and have established good and productive professional relationships with prosecutors and court personnel throughout the State.

A Long Tradition of Trial Law

Ted Lothstein began defending criminal and DWI cases in Concord District Court in 1994, when the Judges were Judge Robbins and Judge Sullivan, both of whom have long since retired.

In fact, Ted Lothstein tried DWI and other criminal cases to juries in Concord District Court back in the 1990s when jury trials were held in this Court.

Concord’s two Judges are well-known for holding prosecutors and defense attorneys to high standards. Judges uphold the Constitution, by suppressing evidence when police officers violate constitutional rights — and by expecting that criminal defense attorneys and prosecutors will live up to the highest professional and ethical standards.

This Court is also known for its highly experienced prosecutors from the Concord City Prosecutor’s Office, New Hampshire State Police and the Merrimack County Attorney’s Office. These lawyers all have many years — in some cases decades — of experience. They know how to try a case. Be ready.

Concord District Court Case Victories

Ted Lothstein has litigated many cases in the 6th Circuit – Concord District Court. Here are just a few examples:

Concord District Court. On the morning of trial where Client faces domestic assault charge, prosecutor offers a “continued without a finding” disposition. Assuming Client satisfies certain rehabilitative conditions, Client will haveno conviction, will have no criminal record, and will avoid federal lifetime ban on gun ownership for domestic assault convictions. Read More
Client, facing DWI prosecution in Concord Circuit Court, retains Attorney Lothstein and goes to trial. Outcome after trial: NOT GUILTY of DWI, guilty of transporting alcoholic beverages in motor vehicle. Read More

See more Concord District Court case victories

6th Circuit – District Division – Concord
32 Clinton Street
Concord, NH 03301

Directions to Concord District Court