4th Consecutive Jury Trial Not Guilty on Domestic Violence Charges
July 28th, 2021
Last week, on July 23, 2021, Richard Guerriero won a big victory for his client. After a trial in which both accuser and the accused took the stand, the jury found the accused NOT guilty of False Imprisonment, and NOT guilty of Simple Assault, the two domestic violence charges brought by the State.
This led to a great front page headline in the Manchester Union Leader: "Former Lobbyist Found Not Guilty of Domestic Violence Charges." Click here to read it: 2021-07-23 Union Leader Blaisdell
Our client was found guilty only of criminal mischief, for damaging a cellphone, which he admitted doing in his own testimony. Unlike the other charges, "criminal mischief" is not a crime of domestic violence.
For our firm, this was the FOURTH consecutive domestic violence jury trial where the accused was found not guilty of all domestic violence charges, in four different Courts:
- Hillsborough-North Superior Court (this latest case)
- Merrimack County Superior Court (a fortunate client who escaped publicity altogether),
- Cheshire County Superior Court, a victory you can read about here or at this link: Keene man cleared of domestic violence, trespassing charges _ Local News _
- and Hillsborough-South Superior Court, a victory you can read about here: 2018-12-15-Morris-Nashua Telegraph not guilty
Domestic violence is a very serious societal problem, which impacts many if not most families in one way or another. No one should ever have to live in fear of physical violence from a member of their own family. But the truth is that false or grossly exaggerated claims of domestic violence are made all the time -- to get an advantage in a divorce or custody dispute, or out of hurt feelings and resentment, or by a troubled child, seeking attention or a means of control over a parent/caregiver.
We are very gratified that in our latest case - and indeed in our last four jury trials! -- a fair and impartial jury reached a just verdict.