NH Bar's Premiere DWI Litigation Seminar: Today

Today, Ted Lothstein will be the chairperson and a lecturer at a seminar presented by the Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Committee of the New Hampshire Bar Association. The program is entitled: "Drunk Driving and Drugged Driving Litigation." This is an all-day live CLE presented at the NH Bar Association, with a simultaneous live video feed for attendees who want to watch at the office or at home.


This CLE is presented to an audience of criminal defense lawyers, prosecutors, and some general practice lawyers every three years. Ted Lothstein, as a member of the CLE Committee, has been a chairperson of this CLE or co-chairperson for past versions of this seminar presented in 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2014.

Ted Lothstein is honored to be joined by distinguished colleagues lecturing at this CLE: Prosecutors from State Police and the North Hampton Police Department, the State Toxicologist from the NH State Forensic Laboratory, the Administrator and a Hearings Examiner from the Department of Safety, a District Court Judge who will address professional ethics and practice pointers, and fellow DWI defense lawyer Robert Moses of Amherst, NH.


We will cover the new Intoxilyzer 9000 breathalyzer that is coming to NH, the State's new marijuana decriminalization law, changes to NH's medical cannabis law, and the latest news from the NH State Forensic Laboratory and the Department of Safety where DWI administrative hearings and habitual offender certification hearings are conducted.

And, of course, we will cover the latest developments in the law relating to search and seizure, substantive criminal law and the admissibility of scientific evidence that are critical to the day to day practice of prosecuting or defending DWI and drug cases.


In the future, for those who missed today's seminar in person, a video replay will be available through the NH Bar Association's Continuing Legal Education site.

Click here to see the Agenda for the program: 2017-10-13-NH BAR DWI Final Agenda