» Haverhill District Court

ALS Withdrawn

In the 2d Circuit - District Division - Haverhill Court, Client faced a charge of DWI. He pled guilty, and received the mandatory minimum penalty under law, in exchange for the withdrawal of the consecutive 6 month ALS (refusal of breath test) suspension. Read More

DWI Criminal Charge Reduced to Non-Criminal Fine and Short License Suspension

Haverhill, NH police charged Client with DWI in the Haverhill District Court. Attorney Lothstein secured plea to Negligent Operation, a non-criminal violation. Client paid a fine and served a 14-day license suspension, with the right to restore his license without completing any court-mandated programs. Read More

ALS Dropped

In Haverhill, NH District Court, the prosecution agreed to drop an 6-month ALS (administration license suspension) in exchange for Client’s guilty plea to DWI, effectively shortening his license loss by two-thirds from nine months to a minimum 90 days. Read More