Over-Criminilization: College Prank Turned Felony in New Hampshire

The Concord Monitor reports today that a college student, well-liked by his peers, has been charged with felonies in New Hampshire for undertaking an old-school "panty raid" in college girl's dorm rooms while they were away on break.

This is yet another example of the over-criminalization of everything that has permeated the criminal justice system over the last decade or so. A phenomena that has been decried by commentators on the right, and commentators on the left alike -- but largely ignored by the middle.

Yesterday, this was a college prank. A dumb prank, sexist, juvenile, an invasion of young women's privacy. But it was, once upon a time, seen for what it is - young men, acting stupid.

Today, our answer is to run the kid out of college and make into a convicted felon so he can spend the rest of his life cleaning toilets or working as a laborer outdoors.

Great job, America.