Connecticut Drivers Charged with New Hampshire DWI
Are you a Connecticut driver, facing a DWI charge in NH?
Lothstein Guerriero PLLC's New Hampshire DWI attorneys have represented many Connecticut drivers charged under New Hampshire DWI laws in NH courts. Often, these are vacationers coming to New Hampshire to boat, hike or ski, to stay at their summer houses, or to see the NASCAR races at Loudon. Ted Lothstein handles DWI charges in all NH Courts.
NH DWI Lawyer Licensed in Connecticut
DWI defense lawyer Ted Lothstein is admitted to practice in Connecticut, so he is able to provide legal advice regarding the impact of a NH DWI arrest on your Connecticut license.
Connecticut – No Reciprocity for Administrative Suspensions
Most Connecticut drivers facing a DWI charge in a NH Court also receive an official Notice for a 6 month (or sometimes 2 year) administrative suspension, which will begin 30 days after arrest or 30 days after release of a blood test result. Administrative suspensions result from the driver’s refusal to provide a breath or blood test, or from the driver’s test result showing a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher, or from a breath alcohol concentration of .09 or higher.
Historically, Connecticut has not suspended a Connecticut resident’s driver’s license as a result of an out-of-State administrative suspension. This is good news, as it means that the Connecticut driver can continue to drive in Connecticut and other States, despite losing her privilege to drive in New Hampshire.
Connecticut – Reciprocity for NH DWI Conviction
If a Connecticut driver is convicted of DWI under New Hampshire DWI laws in a NH Court, Connecticut will suspend the Connecticut driver’s license for one year, which in most cases is longer than the NH suspension. However, for first-time offenders, Connecticut will make a “hardship” license available to drive up to 12 hours per day for work purposes. Further, after 90 days, Connecticut will allow unlimited driving but require installation of an ignition interlock device for the remaining period of suspension.
Retain an Experienced, Skilled New Hampshire DWI Defense Attorney
This page is intended to convey information about the collateral consequences of New Hampshire DWI arrests and convictions, not legal advice. Collateral consequences are subject to change at any time as a result of changes in statutes and administrative regulations. You should hire an experienced, skilled DWI defense attorney to receive accurate legal advice that is tailored to the specific facts and circumstances of your case.